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Japan Then and Now 1, 日本事情コース1

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Points of Preparation

Geography and climate exert a strong influence on the history and the national character of a country. An important characteristic of Japanese geography is that Japan is an island nation surrounded by the sea.Its climate is significantly affected by the ocean currents flowing near the archipelago, seasonal air masses approaching it, and its mountainous topography. As a result, Japan's precipitation is relatively high and its four seasons are distinct.Let's look into the influence of such geographical and climatic conditions over Japanese history and the character of the people.


Section 1, Japan: Then and Now, All about Japan


(1) Land area of Japan is about 378,000㎢, this is 1/26 of China, and 1/25 of the United States, it is almost the same as Germany. British land is 2/3 of Japan, and France is 1.5 times big as Japan. Japanese archipelago is north latitude is between about 20 to 45 degrees, east longitude is located almost from 123 degrees and 154 degrees, it is about 3,000km from north to south. Japan Standard Time meridian is a line of 135 degrees of east longitude passing through Akashi city in Hyogo Prefecture.


The northern tip of Japan is Cape Soya at 45 degrees and 31 minutes north latitude. The southern tip is Okino-trishima at 20 degrees and 25 minutes north latitude. When the Northern Territories are returned to Japan, the northern tip of the land will be Etorofu Island at 45 degrees and 33 minutes north latitude.


The southernmost inhabited island is Hateruma Jima, which is located south of Iromote Island, at 24 degrees and 2 minutes north latitude. For comparison, Oahu Island in the Hawaiian Islands is located at 21 degrees and 20 minutes north latitude. The western tip is Yonaguni Island at 122 degrees and 56 minutes east longtitude. The easternmost island is Minami-torishima at 153 degrees and 59 minutes east longtitude.Japan's land area is the 60th largest in the world. However, Japan's EEZ, or the exclusive economic zone is the 6th largest in the world.


A warm ocean current called the Tsushima-Kairyu flows northward along the Japan Sea coast. Another warm current called called the Nihon-Kairyu flows northward along the Pacific coast. There is also a cold current called the Chishima-Kairyu, which flows southward from the Kuril Island along the Pacific coast.In winter, wet and cold seasonal northwest winds are warmed by the aTsushima-Kairyu, a warm ocean current, resulting in heavy snowfalls on the coastal areas along the Sea of Japan. In summer, the Nihon-kairyu, a warm ocean current,is further warmed up by southeastern seasonal winds, resulting in a lot of rain on the Pacific coastal areas.Moreover, the early summer rainy season called "tsuyu" brings heavy rain during the mid-June through mid-July period, and typhoons frequently hit Japan from August through November. Hokkaido has no rainy season.


The world's average annual precipitation is about 970 millimeters, while Japan's is about 1,700 millimeters. Japan's climate is categorized into six types according to the region.

The first type is observed in the southwestern islands. The area has a lot of rain and a warm climate even in winter. The average temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius.

The second type is that of the Japan Sea side. The area has a lot of snow during winter.

The third type is that of the Pacific coastal areas. The area has a lot of rain in summer, while it gets very dry during winter. Some areas have an annual rainfall of over 2,000 millimeters.

The fourth type is that of the Inland Sea area, where it is relatively warm and dry throughout the year.

The fifth type is that of inlland areas surrounded by mountain, where it is dry almost throughout the year, but the temperature differences between summer and winter are rather large.

The sixth type is that of Hokkaido. It has low precipitation and gets extremely cold during winter.

Most parts of Japan belong to the Temperate Zone, and are characterized by distinct seasonal changes. The average annual precipitation of Tokyo, Japan's capital, is about 1,500 millimeters.


Japan's forest cover is about 67 percent, and most forests are located in mountainous areas. As for the figures for other countries, North America's is 38 percent; Euroope, 32%; Africa, 22 percent and China, 15 percent.

Japan's forests are categorized into four types. The first is the evergreen coniferous forests found in Hokkaido and Northern Honshu. They consist of cedars, cypresses and others. The second is deciduous broadleaved forests found in cold and mountainous areas such as Hokkaido, northern Honshu and central Honshu. They consist of beeches, oak trees, maple trees, and chestnut trees. The third is evergreen broadleaved forests found in western Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The forth category is tropical rain forests found in southern Kyushu and southwestern islands.

Janan's forest consist of both artificial forests and natural forests. Now the ratio of planted forests to natural forests is 4 to 5, and the ratio of planted forests has been increasing. Most planted forests consist of coniferous trees, amoung which the most common are cedar trees planted after the war, now accounting for about half of all the planted trees. Cedar, cypress and pine trees make up about 90 percent of all the artificial forests. On the other hand, 72 percent of natural forests are made up of broadleaved trees, which retain great diversity.


Talking about Japan, Lesson 2

(1) Who was the first Emperor of Japan?

The first Emperor was the Emperor Jinmu. According to an ancient mythology, he ascended the throne in 660 B.C. National Foundation Day, a national holiday falling on February 11, is the day he took the throne. Since Japan was still in the New Stone Age at that time, his existence is thought to be more of a legend than of a historical fact.



(2) Why did samurai have the practice of hara-kiri?

Hara-kiri was performed after defeat in battle. It was considered a more honorable way of dying than execution. In the Edo Period, the practice was also used as a punishment for samurai who committed serious crimes.



(3) What was the difference between the Emperor and the Shogun?

The shogun was a kind of military dictator. Throughout most of Japan's history, the Emperor was a figurehead. The actual running of the country was done by the military government, with the shogun at its head.



(4) Have you ever seen the Emperor?

I have seen him once at the Imperial Palace on January 2nd. On this day and on his birthday, December 23, it is customary for the imperial family to greet the public from a terrace in the Imperial Palace.



Date : December 23

Place : The Imperial Palace

(You can come in from 9:30 to 11:20)

Time : (1) 10:20 / (2) 11:00 / (3) 11:40

Date : January 2nd

Place : The Imperial Palace

(You can come in from 9:30 to 14:10)

Time : (1) 10:10 / (2) 11:00 / (3) 11:50 / (4) 13:30 / (5) 14:20

(5) Please tell me about one of your favorite historical figures.

I like Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was a warlord in the late 16th century. He came to power by reuniting the whole nation, which had been divided by local warlords at odds with each other. He was born in a poor farming family, but with his extraordinary sense of battle, eventually reached the top of the military ranks. His success is loved by many other Japanese.



Homework for Lesson 3

(1) Is there a way for foreign tourists to make their travel economical?

(2) Are car rental services available in Japan? Could you give me some tips on driving in Japan?

(3) Will you tell me about lodgings in Japan?

(4) Where can I do some tax-free shopping?

(5) What should I do when a big earthquake occurs during my stain in Japan?

My Homework for last week.

(1) What is the difference between ryokan and minshuku?

Although both are Japanese style inns, ryokan are generally higher-priced than minshuku because they offer better room, bath and food services. Since many minshuku are family-run, their services are usually limited, but each has its own selling point, which might be a good meal, a hot spring, or a rustic atmosphere.



(2) Are car rental services available in Japan? Could you give me some tips on driving in Japan?

Yes, they are available in most cities as well as at airport and major train stations. When you apply to rent a car, you need your international driver's license. Actually, renting a car in Japan is not recommended because the roads are very congested. In Japan, cars travel on the left hand side of the road. Know your route in advance, because road signs may not have alphabet lettering. All expressways are toll roads. And be careful --- traffic regulations are very strict and orderly.



(3) Will you tell me about lodgings in Japan?

Accommodation varies widely in terms of style, price and location. There are both western-style hotels and traditional Japanese inns. The accommodation charge is subject to a consumption tax of 8%. First class hotels also impose a 10 to 15% service charge as well. Tipping is not customary, except at luxury ryokan, where a guest will tip a maid when she first serves tea in the room.



(4) Where can I do some tax-free shopping?

Today in Japan, duty-free shops can be found everywhere. As for nondurable goods including foodstuff, cosmetics and medicine, the purchase of over 5,000 yen up to 500,000 yen per store per person per day will be exempt from tax, and for other products such as home electric appliances, clothing and jewelry, the purchase of over 10,000 yen per store per person per day will be exempt from tax.



(5) What should I do when a big earthquake occurs during my stay in Japan?

When you are inside the hotel, open the door to prevent the door from jamming shut. Hide yourself under a table or stay in a restroom or a bathroom, which is relatively safe. When you are outside, avoid falling objects. It is best to go to the nearest evacuation site, which may be a school ground or a park, indicated by a sign to that effect. Each municipality has a system of providing necessary information on further tremors and support services, so follow the directions from the authorities.



(1) Is there a way for foreign tourists to make their travel economical?

Yes, there is. At many tourist offices in Japan so-called Welcome Cards are available for overseas visitors, With this card, you can get discounts and special services at art galleries, museums, sightseeing attractions, shopping areas, restaurants and transportation facilities. Also, discount train tickets and passes are available for most lines. Inquire at any station or on the web.



Homework for next lesson, it means next year \(^.^)/


(1) What are some typical Japanese dishes?

(2) What are some differences between sake and shochu? How are they usually drunk?

(3) What is a good way of enjoying good Japanese food at a reasonable price?

(4) What Japanese food do you like?

(5) Where do you live? Tell me about the local cuisine of your hometown.

Japan Standard Time Meridian (JSTM)

exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

warm ocean current

cold ocean current

monsoon / seasonal wind

annual precipitation

forest cover

deciduous broad-leaved forest









(1) What does a traditional Japanese-style house look like?

A traditional Japanese-style house is that of a wooden structure, with its roof covered with tiles. Rooms are tatami-matted and are separated by fusuma (sliding doors). Some rooms have a tokonoma (alcove) or oshiire (closet) where sets of futon can be stored, These rooms are separated by shoji (sliding screens) from the corridors which are laid out to surround the whole structure.



Talking about Japan, Question and Answers

(1) Kimono are worn during the New Year holidays, at commencement ceremonies, on Coming-of-age Day, or at wedding banquets by both wedding couples and guests. As for myself, I often wear it when I practice the tea ceremony.


一般論だけでなく、自分個人の話も一言付け加えておくと会話が弾みやすい。いっぱんろん だけ で なく、じぶん こじん の はなし も ひとこと つけくわえ て おく と かいわ が はずみ やすい。

(2) I am hoping to buy a kimono. How expensive is it?

The cheapest silk kimono might cost over 100,000 yen and high quality kimonos could easily cost several million yen. Although recycled kimonos are often available at cheaper prices, they might still be too expensive for a souvenir. In that case, a light cotton yukata, an informal kimono, might be recommended. You can probably find one for less than 10,000 yen. It is also easier to put on than a regular kimono.


きちんとした着物はやはり高価である。安価なリサイクルものもあるが、それでもお土産には高いかも?そのような場合、浴衣がお勧めかもしれない。きちんとした きもの は やはり こうか である。あんかな リサイクルもの も あるが、それでも おみやげ には たかい かも?そのような ばあい、ゆかた が おすすめ かも しれない。

(4) What are Japanese housing situations like?

Japanese housing is relatively expensive mainly because of Japan's high land prices. Although the average land prices in Japan declined after the bubble economy burst in the early 1990s, given the shrinking average income of the Japanese workers, they are still high in urban areas and the suburbs. The housing situation is especially bad in big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, with lower home ownership, smaller average floor space, and higher housing prices and rent.



にほん の じゅうたく は ちか が たかい ため こうか である。バブル けいざい ほうかい いご、ちか は さがり つづけて いる が、とも に さがり つづけて いる へいきん しゅうにゅう を かんがえる と、いまだ に たかい と いえる。さら に、だいとし では、もちいえ りつ も ひく く、ゆか めんせき も せまく、かかく も たかい。

(1) Why does it rain a lot in Japan?

There are some reasons. In winter, cold northwest seasonal winds bring a lot of rain and snow on the Sea of Japan side. In summer, warm and wet seasonal winds bring a lot of rain to the Pacific coastal areas. Moreover, there is an early summer rainy season during the mid-June through mid-July period, and many typhoons hit the country from September through November. They also bring a lot of rain.



(2) In winter what is the weather like in Hokkaido and Okinawa?

Hokkaido is very cold with its average temperatures making below zero. Since it snows a lot, Hokkaido is popular with skiers. Sapporo, Hokkaido's capital, holds a Snow Festival in February, in which large snow and ice statues are built along the main boulevard. Okinawa is warm with average temperatures of around 25 degrees Celsius.



(3) Why does Tokyo have dry weather in winter?

In winter, northwest winds bring a lot of snow to the coastal areas of the Sea of Japan, and the mountains beyond. These winds pass over the mountains and have lost all their moisture by the time they reach Tokyo, which is located on the opposite side, on the Pacific coast.



(4) What is the tsuyu? How do Japanese like it?

Tsuyu is the early summer rainy season. It is caused by the seasonal rain fronts settling over the middle to the southern parts of the Japanese archipelago. Most Japanese think it an unpleasant season, but not necessarily hate it because they know that the rain during the season is indispensable for agriculture such as rice growing as well as for filling the dams all across the country.



(5) In Japan, there're so many weather forecast programs on TV. Why is it?

Since Japan is mountainous and is surrounded by the sea, its precipitation is generally hign, and the weather sometimes changes drastically according to the area and the season. Sometimes bad weather causes flooding, mudslides or wind damage. Because of this, weather forecast are important so that people can prepare for bad weather. People going out for the day rely on weather forecasts to decide whether to bring an umbrella with them or what to wear for the day. Moreover, Japanese like to hold outdoor events throughout the year including festivals and seasonal customs such as cherry blossom viewing, so tha demands for weather forecasts are quite high.



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